Film Clips

The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey.
31 Jul. 1958 The Trial of Chrissy Miller Chrissy Miller, Jody's best friend, causes an injury to her father's best mare, and she makes Jody promise not to tell anyone.
1.18 [--] Adventures of The Falcon: INVISIBLE DESTROYER 29Oct54 Written by Herbert Purdum Directed by Derwin Abbe Charles McGraw (as Mike Waring, The Falcon) Nestor Paiva (Dr. Rapo) Sallie Brophy (Helen Marsh) Richard Benedict (Pete Ruby) Percy Helton (Dr. Hunnicutt) John Bryant (Lowell) Gregory Gay (Dr. Frank) Synopsis: Waring comes to Arizona to investigate sabotage in a top-secret nerve gas plant.